Sunday, December 1, 2013

November Blog Post

How is it already December?!
It feels as though just yesterday it was Thanksgiving...
Any who!
For the month of November I continued going to my mentorship with brother during the weekend.
I also was part of this giving back thing that I wanted to do as part of my independent component hours. Since for that component, I'm working with my dad and the Hispanic chamber of commerce of Pomona, what we did was a give back week.
 Where we gave back to whoever was in need. It felt so good to know that I caused a difference in someone's life. It doesn't matter if it was just something small, but at least I know I made that person smile. Something's that I did were, walk all my neighbors dog, help my neighbors kids with their homework, & spend sometime with the elderly around my community. It was such a beautiful experience and I became really close with my neighbors. This is something that I plan to continue, not just for this month.
So yeah, that was basically November for me. I can't wait to see what the last month of the year has in store for me.