Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blog 18: Third Answer

  • EQ: How can marketkng manager best increase the marketability of an idea or service to a target demographic?
  • The best way would be recahing their clients through social media. 
  • Almost every person is using social media, it is the fastest form of communication, it allows flexibility to the company. 
  • & mentor
  • The best way to reach your target demographic in modern day is through social media. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blog 17: Fourth Interview

  1. Which type of marketing do you recommend? Institutional marketing to build my own image or direct marketing to generate inquiries from clients?
  2. Which marketing method is better for me? selling based marketing or education based marketing?
  3. Which type of marketing do you use more often for your clients? 
  4. How do you direct your marketing only to prospective clients so you won't waste money reaching the wrong people?
  5. How do you get prospective clients to come back?
  6. What college courses have you taken in marketing?
  7. What was the biggest obstacle you faced when you began marketing for your company?
  8. What is your marketing background?
  9. As a marketing manager, do you prefer to work alone or alongside your team?
  10. Besides marketing, in what other areas do you consult?
  11. What's the longest time you've worked with any one of your client?
  12. How do you measure your success?
  13. What is your biggest marketing fail?
  14. What is your most successful marketing accomplishment?
  15. What part of your marketing program gives you, the biggest advantage over your competitors?
  16. How soon does it take you to create new clients?
  17. If your marketing program doesn't work, what do you think would be the most likely reason?
  18. Describe a situation in which an innovative course of action was necessary.
  19. If you were a brand which would you be and why?
  20. Which is your best marketing skill?